Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Random venting

Ayo how is it going everybody I just got a few things on my mind for this particular post I want to talk about the extremely flawwed BMI http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_mass_index it is strictly based on height to weight ratio they forget one important factor Body type!!!!!!!!! body type and bone structure play a very important part cause for me the bmi said at my height ( 5'11" ) I should be 160 pounds.............. lol GTFOOH if I dropped down to 160 my family would have me drug tested against my will cause I'd be a skelton. My actual wieght right now is about 214 but I don't look it at all I figure if I get down to 200 or 195 I will be where I wanna be. FACT........... Everybody can't be skinny get over it, but everybody can be healthy. Besides I have seen some "SKinny" people that look like they are one foot in the grave. It's about being healthy nuff said  . Get up and lets make it happen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   http://youtu.be/Rns3uTvwf1k